HCS Kombisax
Hydraram HCS combi cutter has been designed to speed up the
demolition work with new technology cutting feature. HCS combi cutter
is common choise when the building need to be demolished as quick as
possible. Especially HCS demolition tool will be found more often from
high reach excavators.
Teeth on the jaws break the concrete with stong power and cutting
blades cut the reinforce steels. Tooth design is clever and also
strongest concrete blocks break smoothly.
Center of gravity point point is fairly close of rotator. This
feature giving opportunity to maximise the equipment size for the
excavator. HCS combi cutter is well-balanced tool for high reach
HCS Combi cutter is good option for wider jaw pulverizers when you looking for the speed to get down the building quicker.
Double cylinder system provide remarkable cutting force. Despite
this system, the new technology provide also fast cutting cycle. The
cylinder protections are designed to be very strong and overall cutter
is almost maintenance free.
HCS combicutter is available with U type jaws, where the teeth are
replaced by cutting blades. U type jaw work vell for light scrap and
Cutter is manufactured by using HARDOX-400® material and designed to have long life cycle in heavy conditions.
+ Lätt utbytbara bett HCC-5v och HCC-27v
+ tillverkat av HARDOX-400® stål
+ Utrustad med regenerationsventil som ger möjlighet till snabb agerande
+ Kostnadseffektiv
+ Presskraft
+ Utrustad med tvålagrad rotationskrets och med effektiverad rotationsmotor.