Screening bucket Vibra- Multavex
Rock.Zone VIBRA- screening bucket for heavy use! Simple structure and reliable operating principle: a direct driven camshaft which moves the bars in the bottom of the bucket.
Screening size can be adjusted from 25 mm to larger sizes in few minutes and the operating cost of the bucket is very low.
Rock.Zone VIBRA- Screening bucket is one of the most effective tool in demolition sites. Concrete with rebars can be handle by MultaVex nicely and bucket been used also for feeingd crushers. With the bucket the fines can be sorted out nicely.
Robust body of the bucket is fully Hardox and reliability cannot be higher.
Rock.Zone VIBRA- buckets are available in two models: Standard and Super. Super model will be with teeth and Standard model with plain lipblade.
+ Roboust and versatile
+ Reliable
+ High capacity
+ Can be used in various material handling processes